the medical info you want & need in an easily digestible format, including reading lists and printable and downloadable resources
materials range from the basics to those that will challenge you to think deeper
ever wonder why your colleagues are slow at responding to their pages?
ever wonder how some people seem to be able to balance it all?
find out here with a behind the scenes look at the life of medical professionals
some mouth-watering food ideas for the hungry healthcare professional.
restaurant review, restaurant review and food inspiration for on-call, post-call and weekends off
style ideas that aren't scrubs
the medical info you want & need in an easily digestible format, including reading lists and printable and downloadable resources
materials range from the basics to those that will challenge you to think deeper
ever wonder why your colleagues are slow at responding to their pages?
ever wonder how some people seem to be able to balance it all?
find out here with a behind the scenes look at the life of medical professionals
some mouth-watering food ideas for the hungry healthcare professional.
restaurant review, restaurant review and food inspiration for on-call, post-call and weekends off
style ideas that aren't scrubs
Where doctors come to live | learn | succeed
Everyone doctor deserves to work their dream job and live their dream life.
I wholeheartedly believe this, especially knowing first hand how much we give up through the long years of the grind to get here.
But I also believe that
No one does it alone and that We all stand on the shoulders of giants
These beliefs combine to create
scrubbedout's vision & mission
To help young and aspiring doctors achieve their dream jobs and achieve balanced, successful careers and fulfilling lives, where they can use medicine as their platform to pursue their passions
If this is you, and you're someone aspiring for more than just a great career, but a great life, check out some of the programs below and see if they're right for you
Coaching Services
Take your career and personal development to the next level with Scrubbedout’s Coaching Consult Package. This personalized package of four sessions will help you gain clarity on your goals, create a plan for success, and develop the strategies and tools to make it happen. In each session, we'll discuss key areas to help you be your best and stay motivated. Get ready to reach your full potential!
**If upon booking, you cannot find a suitable time, book any time (it's a required step in the booking system) and then email me to schedule one that works for you**